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Top 10 Most Anticipated Movies in 2018

2018 is here.. we're almost halfway there to our first month of the year and well, we all know that January is not exactly a hot spot for a movie to come out. Its generally the month where studios dump their movies in hopes of getting even with the box office without serious competition.

In hindsight, it gives me some time to properly list out my top ten most anticipated movie of the year. Naturally, most of the movies in this list are the ones with huge marketing or a well known property. Granted, they may not even be good movies (heck; some of them didn't even have a trailer yet) but they are as of right now - my most anticipated movies

There's too many movies coming out this year and of course I would left a few here and there but here are some honorable mentions.

Pacific Rim Uprising (March 22); Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes Of Grindelwald (Nov 15); X-Men: The New Mutants (April 12); Tomb Raider (March 15); A Wrinkle in Time (March 18); Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom (June 7); Ready Player One (March 29); Annihilation (Feb 22); Solo: A Star Wars Story (May 25); Ralph Breaks The Internet: Wreck-It Ralph 2 (Nov 22)

Now that's all out of the way, lets get into my top 10 list.

10. Aquaman (December 20)

Courtesy of Warner Bros

The only reason I'm excited about this movie is because of the director; James Wan. Most of the people know him through his work with Fast Seven; the Insidious and The Conjuring franchise, but he goes way back with the first SAW movie:- the movie that introduces me to the world of gore and horror so yeah; I have no doubts in his storytelling abilities. I can't wait to see his vision of Atlantis finally realized on the big screen. Thank God Jason Momoa is so good as Aquaman in Justice League. Nobody gonna make fun of Super Friends anymore. Don't google Super Friends.. just.. don't..

9. Mowgli (October 19)

Yes ladies and gentleman.. Apparently, there's another live action Jungle Book movie and its called Mowgli. Andy Serkis is directing the movie and I'm not gonna lie, I have some doubts over this. I mean.. how can they tell a different story this time? Word is, they wanted to tell a more adult theme of Mowgli's upbringing in the jungle. For those of you that is not familiar with Andy Serkis's work; he is the mastermind behind the motion capture of films like Lord of The Rings and Planet of the Apes just to name a few. He's both Smeagul and Caesar for god's sakes how can I not be excited?! However, I won't hold my breath for the October release date. It has been postponed a couple of times mostly because Warner Bros doesn't want the general movie goers to get confused with Disney's The Jungle Book. Never the less, I'm intrigued.

8. The Incredibles 2 (June 14)

Courtesy of Disney/Pixar

Finally.. the sequel of The Incredibles after 14 freaking years! I have no idea why did it take them this long to figure this out. I have said time and time again; The Incredibles is one of THE best superheroes movies of all time, period. In essence it's actually a Fantastic Four movie:- a superpowered family trying to find their place in a world where any form of vigilante is illegal. What I like so much about The Incredibles is that they keep it grounded; with each character properly fleshed out and a villain that is so relatable to an extend that you get to sympathized with him. The teaser trailer shows The Incredibles 2 will continue right after the first movie and guys; let's hope it's not too late.. Fingers crossed!

p/s: I have a feeling Jack-Jack's gonna be everyone's favourite

7. Ant Man and The Wasp (July 5)

Courtesy of Marvel Studios

Who would've thought a movie about a man with ant-like abilities would beat the Justice League movie in the box office? The sequel:- Ant-Man and The Wasp is the 20th (isn't that crazy?!) movie in Marvel Cinematic Universe that will be out after Avengers: Infinity War. What really peeks my interest in this movie is that, I'm intrigued to see if they portray the after events of Avengers: Infinity War or if it continues right after Ant-Man (I highly doubt that). Peyton Reed will be helming this project after he successfully directed the first Ant-Man movie no thanks to Edgar Wright who left during pre-production stages (love Edgar Wright's Baby Driver though; watch it if you haven't). PLUS; Michelle Pfeiffer is cast as Janet Van Dyne. How cool is that? The iconic Catwoman herself! Can't wait to see the legendary Michael Douglas share his screen time with her in what must be full of charismatic scenes.

6. Sicario 2: Soldado (June 29 2018)

The first movie is actually a pleasant surprise for me. Having watched the trailer for this one, I'm really pumped. You can just feel the intensity and the stakes by watching the trailer alone. It's an action crime-thriller film revolving around CIA trying to bring down the Mexican drug cartel. There's no Emilia Blunt in this one and I'm okay with that considering her arc starts and end in the first movie. Josh Brolin and Benecio Del Toro came back which is always good to get that type of massive talent. What concerns me is that Denis Villeneuve is not directing it (Stefano Sollima's directing) but Taylor Sheridan did wrote the screenplay so there's still hope its gonna be good. We all know by now that sequals are always tricky to pull off correctly. Just ask Kingsman: The Golden Circle. Urgghh.

5. Deadpool 2 (May 17 2018)

Deadpool 2 is the sequel to Deadpool (2016) starring the unicorn lover Ryan Reynolds as the foul-mouth mercenary. It will now add a couple of new characters like Cable; a time traveling part human-part machine hitman played by Josh Brolin and Domino; a member from X-Force team in comic books played by Zazie Beetz. There's also Julian Dennison; a kid actor from New Zealand who played an unrevealed character. He's really funny in Hunt for The Wilderpeople (2016), so I'm really looking forward to watch his work this time. So far, we've only been given the teaser trailer but I would expect the marketing will be moving in full speed soon considering that we're already in 2018. The marketing for Deadpool (2016) is by far the best marketing in the history of comic book movies, so we have that to look forward to in the upcoming weeks. As of writing this post, Deadpool 2 has been moved up two weeks to May 17th (it's June 1st before) in results of Gambit losing it's 4th director.

4. Venom (October 5 2018)

First official still of Tom Hardy as Eddie Brock in Venom

I have a confession to make.. I never wanted a Venom movie.

Let me be more clear with myself. I do not want a Venom movie by Sony that has no Spider-Man and not set in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Why is this movie on my list you ask? There's only one reason.. and it is Tom Hardy. The moment I heard that he is attached to play Eddie Brock; the movie immediately become one of my anticipated movie of the year. For those of you guys who are not familiar with Tom Hardy's work, just watch Warrior (2011) and his own produced series Taboo (2017). These alone will show the kind of passion that the guy puts into his work. Michelle Williams is also set to play Anne Weying who was Eddie's wife in the Marvel's comic books. Riz Ahmed will play Dr. Carlton Drake but some reports also claims that he will be Carnage so we'll see where that goes. The director cited 1993’s Venom: Lethal Protector and 1995’s Planet of the Symbiotes comic book stories as the influence on what allegedly the first film in 'Sony Marvel Universe'.

3. A Quiet Place (April 5 2018)

This one caught me totally off guard. I've just watched the trailer a few days ago and I immediately can't wait for it to be released. Its about a family that lives on a farm:- where an evil entity that attracted to sound exists. In order to survive, they have to avoid making any sound. They have to communicate through sign language at all time, and walk only on cemented pavements in order to avoid making even a small creak. The movie is directed by John Krasinski which is also the lead actor. Emily Blunt (which is also his wife in real life) plays his wife. I believe this is also his first feature film he directed. I've been following his career since The Office series and its exciting to see him transitioning not only in front of the camera but behind the camera as well. Lets see if he can put a twist in supernatural horror genre. If you haven't watch the trailer, I highly recommend it.

2. Black Panther (15 February 2018)

Here comes the King of Wakanda!

Black Panther is easily my new favourite character in Captain America: Civil War (2016). Chadwick Boseman stole every scene he is in. When they finally release the first trailer for Black Panther, I was genuinely pumped. Run the Jewel's song - 'Legend Has It' really suits that trailer. And when the second trailer came out we get to look more on the world of Wakanda. I'm telling you; Ryan Coogler (the director) is creating something special visually in the world of Wakanda. It really is something when you thought you have seen everything in what Marvel can do, and suddenly they throw in Black Panther in the mix:- you've never seen anything like it in a Marvel movie. We will finally get to see a superhero movie from a king's perspective; trying to hold his ground and keep his country united despite all the disruption coming from both internally and externally. They've also cast talented and big names actors like Lupita Nyong'o, Danai Gurira, Forest Whitaker, Angela Bassett, Michael B. Jordan, Martin Freeman and Andy Serkis just to name a few. I can't wait to see this movie for:- One: to further explore Wakanda's rich cultural history and Two: get us prepped for Avengers: Infinity War.

Step into the spotlight!

1. Avengers: Infinity War

This is it. Avengers: Infinity War

This is where it all comes to right? It's crazy to think that it has been 10 years since Iron Man gets invited to the Avengers Initative by Nick Fury. Since the first time we saw a glimpse of Thanos in the Avengers after credits scene, we will finally get to see him gets off his floating chair for once and collect the Infinity Stones. And this time he's not alone, folks. The Black Order (a.k.a the Childern of Thanos in the comics) will join him in pursuing the stones.

I am so happy that the Russo Brothers are back again on the director's seat for an MCU movie. It's a no brainer since they did an amazing job for Captain America: The Winter Soldier and Captain America: Civil War. Both are easily in my top 5 MCU movies. Clearly, they have the right mind set for A:IW.

Let's talk about the trailer. The trailer for A:IW is one of the best trailer I've seen last year; hands down. It's like a coherent movie in of itself:- with the initial setup of the members, then in the middle where Thanos finally came to Earth (I think its Earth; or it could be Xandar where the Power gem is) and in the end where the battle took place on Wakanda, where the Avengers (some of em) joined by Wakandan warriors clashing againts the Outriders. Josh Brolin looks and sounds menacing as Thanos. And they don't have to tweak his voice too much which to me is a smart move.

Who do you think will die in this movie? I'm betting it's Pepper Potts. You know what? I think she's the one in the Iron Man suit the moment she got punched by Thanos. And that's why Tony Stark looks so devastated in the trailer. Twice; mind you.

What do you think of my list? Do you have a list of your own? Does any of these movies made it into your own list? Comment down below and let me know.


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