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Hi and welcome to FlixFix
- the website that exists to share my opinion on things that I love and most passionate about – Movies. Occasionally, series and comic books.



Movies have helped me get through numerous events in life. You name it, the downs, the lows, the high lows. My very first experience in going to the theatres is watching Batman (1990) by Tim Burton. I was so in awe of the big screen that I have decided to run right to the front row to watch Michael Keaton mano e mano with Jack Nicholson.


But my love for movies did not start there though. I started to appreciate this form of art when my English teacher put on Saving Private Ryan for the class. In an instant, I was amazed at how they shot the film. The first ten minutes of the movie got me hooked and I immediately fell in love with movies for the second time.


From then on, I started to look at movies more than just a form entertainment. It’s so much more than that. It’s culture, moments, memories, feelings, propaganda- all in one. It can be predictable; it can be unpredictable; or a disaster; a magic or just... ‘meh’... It can be so many things with so little time spent in front of a screen.


Through FlixFix you’ll learn that movies are an amazing art form. And please remember this wherever you go- Art is subjective. Anybody can have their own opinion so that means you can like or hate a movie however you want.. as long as all of us are being civil about it. In the end, we can all agree on one thing; we are all movie fans.


Full disclosure-  I’m gonna be writing more on movie reviews than series and comic books because those two particular topics need some time to go through and digest. It’s not something that I can just spit it out without having to ram my head into the wall because… I have a 9-5 job. AND A LIFE. Which you don’t. 


I'm assuming.   


No, I’m not judging.


But I secretly do.


Another thing- Who Is Flix Fix? FlixFix is me, Malik R. Marwazi

When I’m not watching movies like a cat fully focused on laser beams, you can find me reading comics, discovering new music or eating a bunch of bananas. I manage 100% (so far) of the writing.

Web development, social media, and marketing are not my forte but I will learn as I go along this journey of banging my fingers on these plastics boxes they called the keyboard. It’s a tough job, but someone’s got to do it.




Flick (informal) - a cinema film.

"a Hollywood action flick"

Fix (informal) - a dose of a narcotic drug to which one is addicted.

"he hadn't had his fix"


-Hence the name-

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