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Marvel's Most Significant Movie as of Date- Black Panther Review

Black Panther Title Card

Black Panther is a 2018 movie directed by Ryan Coogler (Fruitvale Station, Creed) starring Chadwick Boseman (T'chala a.k.a Black Panther), Michael B. Jordan (Erik Killmonger), Andy Serkis ( Ulysses Klaue), Lupita Nyong'o (Nakia), Martin Freeman (Everett K. Ross), Daniel Kaluuya (W'Kabi) and other amazing cast of characters.

It tells us a story of T'Chala, King of Wakanda; a nation that is shielded from the world that is thriving and yet no one knows of its existence. While it's first seems to be a responsibility that he easily could step into; eventually T'Chala learned there's a lot of hardship to be a king for his kingdom and a lot of problems arised when his kingship is challenged.

I was really excited for Black Panther and one of the main reasons is because Ryan Coogler directed it. I really like Fruitvale Station and Creed is one of the best movie of the year; the fact that it's the 7th movie of the Rocky installment and to be that good, is definitely something. And the fact that Ryan Coogler is only 31 years old, he proves that he is a very good director. It's three for three good movies from him and I can't wait to see his future projects.

Marvel didn't just take this material and said, okay lets make a movie on people fighting and make stuff blows up. there's a message behind this film and one that is relevant. The best Marvel movies thus far always have been like that for example; Winter Soldier (2014) and Civil War (2017). They're about wars, differences between freedom and fear and what are the implications of that could mean for human kind. Which is also why Black Panther standout as special, its a film that has very relevant social commentary. Sure it has amazing fight sequence and special effects but I am so glad that the movie doesn't rely heavily on that.

BUT I also don't like when a film preaches to me. I don't like when a movie thought me lessons like I'm a kid in school; assuming what I don't already know. Which is why I was so relieved to find out that this film's commentary relies on the characters in it; looking inside themselves. The characters in this film are really thinking about their viewpoints and what was wrong about their lives or their nation before T'Chala took the crown. Because almost all of T'Chala's development in this film happened when he realized the sins of his previous generation and how he can make them better. Its actually about how damaging his previous generation was and all the problems that came from that- which is something that I do not expect from this movie.

Potential spoilers from here on

By far my favourite aspect from this film is Michael B. Jordan's character. The best villains are the villains that see themselves as the hero, the one in the right side of things. Not just that; a good villain makes the heroes think in deep within themselves and make them realizes their weaknesses- Not just some guy that wanna blow up the world. The reason why Erik Killmonger is the best villain in MCU since Loki is because he has a goal. The goal is to be the King of Wakanda and help the oppressed people outside of Wakanda because he saw first hand what happens when Wakanda refuse to share their insight and the ramifications of that to the Black people.

Although he's a villain; killing innocent people and do violent stuff, you can find yourself siding with him at times because you could understand his point of view. He's someone who isn't raised in this protected nation like Wakanda, he is raised in America. And he looks at them like,"Why are you here sitting comfortable ignoring what's happening outside?''

I also like the technicality of this film like the colour; its really vibrant. It was an amazingly shot movie;- everything from the environment; to the costumes and makeup are so beautiful. The composer is from the guy who does Creed and he did an excellent job incorporating sounds in the movie. I love the percussion in particular.

Chadwick Boseman did an amazing job as well. Leading up to the realization that T'Chala needs to work on himself to be a better king; he did really well to embody that character. Before that though, he has calming presence, almost too calm perhaps- making him dull at times. Not his fault; its the character. He's not an asshole, he's not cocky like Tony Stark or Dr. Strange; the character is one of the most intelligent being the MCU so he carry himself in that manner. He doesn't really have a major conflict at the beginning, so at times I find myself disinterested in him and more keen towards Nakia and Shuri's character. Good thing the conflict appears pretty early in the middle of the movie.

This film is not without flaws of course. It felt like instead of hitting us off the bat with relevant issues; they make a normal superhero vibe movie for a while to get the audience hooked up. I'm kinda dissappointed in that. Yes, the opening scene is awesome. I was riveted; no doubt. But then it becomes your standard superhero movie for a while and a lot of action scenes seems a little bit too dark visually. But there is a point in this movie where the film abosolutely changes and becomes a much more interesting film and its right around when Killmonger rears his head back into the film. Also; that's a problem for me. He's there for a while at the first quarter of the movie in a really cool scene and I got hooked with his character and then he's gone. For maybe an hour or so. And when he's back on the screen I forgot that this guy's in the film. He should get more screen time in my opinion.

Some of the CG looks unfinished at times. There's a scene where T'Chala is receiving his crown and there's people on the cliff side enjoying the ceremony and they look like they were copy pasted there. If it were only one shot then I would probably be like.. meeh.. but they keep on coming back to that shot so it threw me off the movie a little bit. There's also a fighting scene that were took right off the SpiderMan 3 with two characters falling down, tumbling over each other- and they fight in a very dark environment with a very dark suit on that makes it looks too much in CG. Its quite a dissappointing climactic fight for me. A lot of people will probably be fine with it though.

But putting that aside, what's really honestly amazing about this film is that .. looking back at it; I didn't really think about the action scenes with all those cool epic moments like I did with any Marvel movies. I'm thinking about the things that shape these characters into who they become. I'm thinking about the things that affected them, their upbringing, their childhood; the cause they have in making them who they are. So really what I like in the essence of this film is.. the characters.

This film has been surrounded by an impossible amount of hype up to the point when there's someone who give rotten reviews on rotten tomatoes; it gets blown up; its almost like a crime. Which is sad really, anybody can like or dislike a movie in their own rights. We have to be realistic because at the end of the day, its a movie that has been made by people that love this art form that is also loved by many (the viewers); which is why I always try to be realistic when reviewing a movie.

I'm definitely gonna watch Black Panther multiple times in the cinemas and I hope you enjoyed it as much as I do. If you have anything to share jump in the comment sections below and lemme know what you think! -mrM

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