Tom Hardy's Venom Teaser Trailer is Out and It Looks Terrifying
A full day after Sony releases the Venom poster, we finally get to have a tease of Tom Hardy's Venom. Here's the teaser trailer:
Apparently Sony's releasing another teaser trailer for International audience but there's not much difference in them.. apart from being just a second shorter in runtime? You can judge and see it here for yourself:
I personally think its just okay. Don't get me wrong I'm still gonna be the first in line to watch this movie but so far they haven't be able to increase my interest than before. Besides, the reason Venom is in my most anticipated movies of the year is because of the cast, and hopefully, they have a good judgement on them this time.
One thing I would say though, it seems like they're trying to do a horror flick- which is exactly the route that I wanted Sony to go with the Venom character. It's so suitable for the horror genre. It would be awesome if Venom has that Alien (1979) horror vibe.
Now how will they ever explain the reason of Venom looking like SpiderMan? Only one way to find out..
Venom will be out on October 5th.
So what did you guys think? Does the teaser pump up your interest? Do you like the direction they're going with?Give your comments down below! -mrM