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Deadpool 2 is Bathing in Fourth Wall References in it's New Trailer. And Cable!

Deadpool is back with his unique marketing for the sequel; Deadpool 2. Just two days ago, we feast our eyes when Ryan Reynolds post the above new Deadpool 2 poster on his twitter account in what seem to be Deadpool bathing? With bullets? Its actually a parody to 1983 film Flashdance poster. Here's a synosis from FOX:

After surviving a near fatal bovine attack, a disfigured cafeteria chef (Wade Wilson) struggles to fulfill his dream of becoming Mayberry's hottest bartender while also learning to cope with his lost sense of taste. Searching to regain his spice for life, as well as a flux capacitor, Wade must battle ninjas, the yakuza, and a pack of sexually aggressive canines, as he journeys around the world to discover the importance of family, friendship, and flavor - finding a new taste for adventure and earning the coveted coffee mug title of World's Best Lover.

I know; the synopsis is glorious in all sense of the word. And surely enough we get to see a lot more of Cable in this brand new trailer:

Right off the bat, let's talk about the moustache-jab they take at Justice League.

" What, in the actual a**. Dale; why is the visual effect not done? Its a middle arm! Its not like we're trying to remove a moustache!"

Its a blatant reference to the whole behind the scene drama in making Justice League. Apparently, Henry Cavill who plays Superman; were not being allowed to shave his moustache due to filming Mission Impossible; so Warner Brothers had to remove them digitally.. and the result is.. not good..

I love the fact that Ryan Reynolds is so in touch with the movie-loving public and how nerds will just dig up that reference.

Josh Brolin as Cable

Cable looking clueless with his green arm. I laugh my butt off at this part. Also, he's surrounded by cables. Ahaaaa? Ahaaa?? How about that???

Right after that is the part where Deadpool 'plays' with himself and Cable in a mini diorama. There's some people online saying "Why are they showing this.. why not show the whole trailer properly? " Well; that's the thing about Deadpool, he's not only known as The Merc with the Mouth but he is also known for breaking the fourth wall. I love that he makes fun of himself because he is known for that in the comics and I'm glad they show it here even in the trailer. The fact that he wears Woody outfits crack me up. So much for Disney's naivety.

Reach for the skyyy

Reach for the skyyyyyy

And of course its always good to see Cable kicking ass against what seems to be a military organization called DMC. I'm not exactly sure what it stands for but my best guess at this point is it might be a reference to Department of Mutant Control. Because in the Marvel comics there's a department of Mutant Control to keep the mutants in check. I'm just making that up, don't point the gun on my head for that one.

Again, its good to have our first look at Domino and Negasonic Teenage Warhead back again for the sequel being badass as always. But there's also the money shot of some sort of team assemble. I'm not quite sure who is at the far right there but the actor seems to be Terry Crews (Brooklyn 99, The Expendables). I'm not sure who he's playing but my best guess is Bishop? Probably.

Now there's a lot of speculation online who's who in this shot. Obviously there's Deadpool, and Domino. Look at the guy between Deadpool and Terry Crews wearing some kind of boxing headgear. He seems a lot like Shadow Star in the comics but I'm not sure myself.

And of course Dopinder is back. I freaking love Dopinder in the first movie! Shout out to Karan Soni.

Then we get to my favourite part of the trailer which is Blind Al with Deadpool pointing their guns to Cable.

Cable: Time's up you dumb f**k.

Deadpool: Well, that's just lazy writing.

What an ending to a brilliant trailer.

In case you haven't figure it out yet, I freaking love this trailer. We're still 3 months way and I like that they didn't shove us the story play by play. I'm not really into that. we don't really know what they're about yet and its okay.

But the bigger question is do you like the trailer? Does it make you wanna touch yourself tonight? Jump at the comment section down below and give us your thoughts! - mrM

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